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Izjava o kolačićima

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Datum: 13.10.2022

Politika kolačića (eng. cookies)

Mi, Astratex, a.s., identifikacijski broj: 259 44 355, sa sjedištem na adresi: Na Maninách 215/4, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, trgovačko društvo upisano u trgovački registar koji vodi Općinski sud u Pragu, odjeljak B, uložak 27623 (u daljnjem tekstu „mi” ili „Astratex”), smo upravitelji internetske stranice Na internetskim stranicama (u daljnjem tekstu „internetske stranice”) upotrebljavamo tzv. kolačiće. U ovoj politici kolačića možete pročitati koje kolačiće upotrebljavamo, zašto ih upotrebljavamo i kako možete onemogućiti njihovu upotrebu.

1. Što su to kolačići?

Kolačići su male podatkovne datoteke koje posjećena internetska stranica šalje vašem pregledniku, koji ih pohranjuje na vaše računalo, telefon ili drugi uređaj, a u slučaju da ponovno posjetite internetske stranice, vaš preglednik šalje kolačiće natrag tim stranicama. Kolačići pamte vaše aktivnosti i postavke tijekom određenog vremenskog razdoblja, tako da ih ne morate ponovno unositi kada se vratite na internetsku stranicu ili prelazite s jedne stranice na drugu. Kolačići su osobni podaci. Detaljne informacije o obradi vaših osobnih podataka možete pronaći na poveznici Zaštita osobnih podataka.

2. Za što upotrebljavamo kolačiće?

Na internetskim stranicama Astratex će se kada ih posjetite pojaviti traka obavijesti koja vas informira da internetska stranica upotrebljava kolačiće. Upotreba tzv. neophodnih kolačića nužna je za funkcioniranje internetskih stranica. Bez neophodnih kolačića internetska stranica neće raditi ispravno i stoga za njihovu upotrebu nije potrebna vaša suglasnost i unaprijed su označeni. Za upotrebu drugih kolačića koji nisu neophodni (analitički i marketinški kolačići) obično je potreban vaš informirani pristanak. Možete odabrati svoje individualne preferencije postavki kolačića izravno na traci obavijesti.

Kolačići služe primjerice konkretno za:
  • osiguravanje ispravnog funkcioniranja naših internetskih stranica kako bi se proces naručivanja proizvoda mogao odviti što lakše;
  • osiguravanje sigurne prijave, provjere autentičnosti korisnika, sprečavanje lažne upotrebe vjerodajnica za prijavu i zaštitu korisničkih podataka od pristupa neovlaštenih strana;
  • čuvanje podataka za prijavu naših kupaca kako ih ne bi morali svaki put ponovno unositi;
  • pamćenje sadržaja košarice;
  • osiguravanje izgleda internetskih stranica uzimajući u obzir preferencije i potrebe posjetitelja;
  • analizu posjećenosti, ponašanja, preferencija i interesa korisnika;
  • nuđenje oglasa o proizvodima prema preferencijama korisnika i personalizaciju povezanog sadržaja.
Nadalje, naša internetska stranica Astratex razlikuje privremene kolačiće, tzv „kolačiće sesije”, koji su kratkotrajni i ostaju pohranjeni na vašem uređaju samo do kraja sesije preglednika, te stalne, tzv. „trajne kolačiće”, koji ostaju pohranjeni na vašem uređaju dulje vrijeme. Privremeni kolačići omogućuju pohranjivanje informacija prilikom prelaska s jedne internetske stranice na drugu i eliminiraju potrebu za ponovnim unosom određenih podataka. Čim se preglednik zatvori, oni će biti izbrisani s vašeg uređaja. Trajni kolačići pomažu identificirati vaš uređaj ako ponovno posjetite našu internetsku stranicu.

Svoj pristanak za upotrebu kolačića za koje je potrebna vaša suglasnost možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku, odnosno možete onemogućiti njihovo daljnje pohranjivanje. Detaljne informacije možete pronaći u članku 4. ove politike kolačića. Ako sami ne izbrišete kolačiće sa svog uređaja oni će se nakon kratkog vremenskog razdoblja automatski izbrisati (u skladu s važećim standardima najkasnije 13 mjeseci nakon posljednje upotrebe kolačića za koje je potreban vaš pristanak).

3. Koje kolačiće konkretno upotrebljavamo i na koji način?

Astratex u prethodno navedene svrhe upotrebljava i vlastite kolačiće i kolačiće trećih strana. Kada upotrebljavate internetske stranice Astratex na vaš uređaj mogu biti pohranjeni kolačići pružatelja usluga marketinških alata koje Astratex upotrebljava. Astratex može s tim pružateljima usluga podijeliti informacije koje su prikupljene s pomoću kolačića. Upotreba tih alata omogućuje stalno poboljšanje ponude Astratexa te bolje uzimanje u obzir vaših osobnih preferencija, kao i usmjeravanje promotivnih kampanja kako bi dosegnule one koje bi naša ponuda mogla najviše zanimati.

U slučaju suradnje s pružateljima usluga iz SAD-a, uvjeravamo vas da su odabrani samo pružatelji usluga koji su se obvezali strogo štititi vaše osobne podatke. Ipak, moramo vas upozoriti da je SAD zemlja koja, prema presudi Suda Europske unije, ne pruža primjerenu razinu zaštite osobnih podataka. Iz toga proizlazi, među ostalim, da vladine agencije SAD-a mogu imati pravo pristupa vašim osobnim podacima, pri čemu nisu na raspolaganju djelotvorni pravni lijekovi.

Kolačići koje upotrebljavaju treće strane i način na koji se upotrebljavaju podaci dobiveni putem njih uređeni su pravilima zaštite osobnih podataka relevantnih trećih strana. Te treće strane mogu kombinirati informacije koje dobiju putem kolačića s drugim informacijama koje im pružite ili koje su dobili kao rezultat korištenja njihovih usluga.

Konkretno upotrebljavamo sljedeće kolačiće:

a) Operativni kolačići neophodni za osiguravanje osnovne funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti internetskih stranica Astratex (obavezni)

Ovi kolačići neophodni su za osiguravanje osnovne funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti internetskih stranica Astratex, stoga se pohranjuju automatski i njihova upotreba se ne može onemogućiti. Zahvaljujući njima možemo primjerice:
  • osigurati ispravan rad naših internetskih stranica
  • omogućiti prijavu i kreiranje računa
  • osigurati sigurnu prijavu, provjeru autentičnosti korisnika, spriječiti lažnu upotrebu vjerodajnica za prijavu i zaštititi korisničke podatke od pristupa neovlaštenih strana

b) Analitički kolačići

Ovi kolačići nam pomažu razumjeti kako upotrebljavate naše internetske stranice te nam pomažu da poboljšamo njihove rezultate i prilagodimo ih vašim potrebama.

      i. Google Analytics

      Google Analytics je Googleova usluga web-analitike. Ova usluga se uglavnom upotrebljava za praćenje i sprečavanje kritičnih pogrešaka, za identifikaciju zahtjeva u okviru različitih usluga, za to da korisnici mogu ostati prijavljeni te za pohranu podataka o košarici. Upotrebljava se i za mjerenje te poboljšanje rezultata e-trgovine. Pravna osnova za obradu je vaš pristanak.

      Obrađuju se sljedeći podaci:
      • polazišna URL adresa
      • učestalost i trajanje posjeta podstranice
      • posjećene podstranice
      Podatke obrađuje Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland. Podaci mogu kao dio ove usluge biti proslijeđeni u Sjedinjene Američke Države.

c) Kolačići za reklamne i marketinške svrhe te personalizaciju povezanog sadržaja

      i. Google Analytics

      Astratex vam prikazuje svoje oglase i na internetskim stranicama i aplikacijama trećih strana. U tom smislu upotrebljavamo uslugu Google Analytics kako bismo utvrdili jesu li oglasi zaista bili prilagođeni vama. U tu svrhu procjenjujemo interakcije koje su se dogodile nakon što ste kliknuli na oglas te rezultate tog oglasa. Ti rezultati nam pomažu da zatim bolje personaliziramo oglase. Pravna osnova za obradu je vaš pristanak.

      Obrađuju se sljedeći podaci:
      • informacije o vremenu ili lokaciji
      • informacije o uređaju i pregledniku
      • informacije o stranici, proizvodu i kupnji
      • osobni podaci (IP adresa)
      • Podatke obrađuje Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland. Podaci mogu kao dio ove usluge biti proslijeđeni u Sjedinjene Američke Države.

        Mogućnost odjave:

      ii. Google Ads

      Astratex upotrebljava uslugu Google Ads i u tom kontekstu dijeli s njom neke od vaših interakcija s Astratexom (npr. pregledi proizvoda, kupnje) kako bi vam mogao prikazati, usmjeriti i prilagoditi oglase na Googleu i oglašivačkoj mreži Google. Pravna osnova za obradu je vaš pristanak.

      Obrađuju se sljedeći podaci:
      • informacije o vremenu ili lokaciji
      • informacije o uređaju i pregledniku
      • informacije o stranici, proizvodu i kupnji
      • osobni podaci (IP adresa)
      Podatke obrađuje Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland. Podaci mogu kao dio ove usluge biti proslijeđeni u Sjedinjene Američke Države.

      Mogućnost odjave:

      iii. Facebook Pixel

      Astratex upotrebljava uslugu Facebook Pixel i u tom kontekstu dijeli s njom neke od vaših interakcija s Astratexom (npr. pregledi proizvoda, kupnje) kako bi mogao prikazati, usmjeriti i prilagoditi oglase na platformama Facebook, Instagram, Messenger ili WhatsApp te procijeniti i optimizirati te oglase. Pravna osnova za obradu je vaš pristanak.

      Obrađuju se sljedeći podaci:
      • podaci o upotrebi
      • polazišna URL adresa
      • informacije o vremenu ili lokaciji
      • informacije o uređaju i pregledniku
      • informacije o stranici, proizvodu i kupnji
      • osobni podaci (IP adresa, e-mail adresa)

      Podatke obrađuje Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2 Ireland. Podaci mogu kao dio ove usluge biti proslijeđeni u Sjedinjene Američke Države.

4. Kako onemogućiti kolačiće na svom uređaju?

Vaše postavke pohrane kolačića možete promijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku. Izmjenu možete izvršiti tako da kliknete na ovu poveznicu. Možete i postaviti svoj internetski preglednik da onemogući ili blokira pohranu kolačića na vašem uređaju, uključujući tzv. obavezne kolačiće i kolačiće trećih strana. Moguće je i blokirati ili dopustiti pohranu kolačića samo za određene internetske stranice. Kolačiće koji su već pohranjeni na vašem uređaju možete u bilo kojem trenutku izbrisati. Ako potpuno onemogućite pohranu kolačića, uključujući neophodne kolačiće, internetske stranice možda neće raditi ispravno i njihova funkcionalnost može biti ograničena.

Konkretni postupak za najčešće korištene internetske preglednike možete pronaći ovdje: Chrome (, Safari (, Firefox (, Microsoft Edge (

5. Popis kolačića


Neophodni kolačići
Host Naziv kolačića Valjanost Tip Opis _mktr_kosik-CS 90 days First party prs 31 days First party _dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx Session First party This cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. Where it is used it may be regarded as Strictly Necessary as without it, other scripts may not function correctly. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account. bck Session First party __gts Session First party fl Session First party __aa 183 days First party __rvt Session First party abtest 60 days First party TPL Session First party userCampaign 1826 days First party user SERVERID Session First party Usually used for load balancing. Identifies the server that delivered the last page to the browser. Associated with the HAProxy Load Balancer software. __gtf Session First party sessidat 14 days First party ASP.NET_SessionId Session First party General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Miscrosoft .NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server. _mktr_test_cookie Session First party screen 1 days First party __eedc Session First party lang 30 days Third party  


Analitički kolačići
Host Naziv kolačića Valjanost Tip Opis _utmv######### Session First party _hjid 365 days First party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. _vwo_uuid_v2 366 days First party This cookie name is associated with the product Visual Website Optimiser, by USA based Wingify. The tool helps site owners measure the performance of different versions of web pages. This cookie ensures a visitor always sees the same version of a page and is used to track behaviour to measure the performance of different page versions. test Session First party Adobe Analytics site tracking. __utmc Session First party This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It is not used in most sites but is set to enable interoperability with the older version of Google Analytics code known as Urchin. In this older versions this was used in combination with the __utmb cookie to identify new sessions/visits for returning visitors. When used by Google Analytics this is always a Session cookie which is destroyed when the user closes their browser. Where it is seen as a Persistent cookie it is therefore likely to be a different technology setting the cookie. _hjIncludedInPageviewSample Session First party This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit. __utmb Session First party This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. This cookie determines new sessions and visits and expires after 30 minutes. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Any activity by a user within the 30 minute life span will count as a single visit, even if the user leaves and then returns to the site. A return after 30 minutes will count as a new visit, but a returning visitor. _hjTLDTest Session First party When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. _uetvid 390 days First party This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _hjFirstSeen Session First party Identifies a new user's first session on a website, indicating whether or not Hotjar's seeing this user for the first time. _lb 1290 days First party Cookie used for website search analytics _gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nn Session First party This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. _ga 730 days First party This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners.
_ga __utma 730 days First party This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. This cookie lasts for 2 years by default and distinguishes between users and sessions. It it used to calculate new and returning visitor statistics. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. The lifespan of the cookie can be customised by website owners. _gid 1 days First party This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.
_gid _ga_767S5N5HBR 730 days First party _ga _gaexp 9 days First party Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in.
_ga _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Session First party This cookie is used by HotJar to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. _hjIncludedInSessionSample Session First party This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit. _gclxxxx 90 days First party Google conversion tracking cookie __utmz 183 days First party This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour measure of site performance. This cookie identifies the source of traffic to the site - so Google Analytics can tell site owners where visitors came from when arriving on the site. The cookie has a life span of 6 months and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. _hjSessionRejected Session First party lastVisited 30 days First party xnpe_2c329c22-49b2-11ea-a888-3634d773acef 1095 days First party _hjIncludedInPageviewSample Session Third party _hjIncludedInSessionSample Session Third party _hjSessionRejected Session Third party


Marketinški kolačići
Host Naziv kolačića Valjanost Tip Opis aam_net_ui 60 days First party criteo_write_test Session First party This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. _ranaCid 5275 days First party AMCVS_2C2555935C79EB590A495E90%40AdobeOrg Session First party This is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier. cto_tld_test Session First party This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. cto_bundle 396 days First party _uetsid 1 days First party This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. __exponea_ab_segmentation__ 1095 days First party __exponea_time2__ Session First party aam_last 60 days First party _fbp 90 days First party Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers cto_tld_test Session First party This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. aam_td_cpex_network 60 days First party __exponea_etc__ 1095 days First party aam_net_ts 60 days First party AMCV_2C2555935C79EB590A495E90%40AdobeOrg 730 days First party This is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services. NID 183 days Third party This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organisations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer's adverts appear. data-c-ts 30 days Third party is a global online advertising technology network. TapAd_DID 60 days Third party This domain is owned by Tapad Inc. a US based company that provides technology to track users across devices to enhance targeting capabilities. PUBMDCID 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Pubmatic. It operates an advertising exchange platform where online publishers can sell targeted advertising space to media buyers using real time bidding. tuuid 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. bkdc 180 days Third party This domain is owned by Blue Kai. The main business activity is: Advertising/Audience Targeting uu 363 days Third party This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. tluid 90 days Third party This domain is owned by TripleLift, a USA based business providing programmatic native advertising services. A3 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising bku 180 days Third party This domain is owned by Blue Kai. The main business activity is: Advertising/Audience Targeting _kuid_ 180 days Third party This domain is owned by Krux Digital, a US company providing a data management platform which enables real time profiling of visitor interests. yandexuid 3650 days Third party This domain is owned by Yandex. The main business activity is: Russian search engine Session Third party This domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world's largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the 'Like' button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviourally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. ab 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Aggregate Knowledge, which has been acquired by Neustar Inc. Aggregate Knowledge provides a data management platform which enables real time targeting and consumer profiling functionality. stx_user_id 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Sharethrough, a USA based company providing an online native advertising technology platform and services. everest_g_v2 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Adobe. The main business activity is: Advertising anj 90 days Third party This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. CONSENT 6007 days Third party YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 180 days Third party This cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos uid 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Criteo. The main business activity is: Advertising c 365 days Third party This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. B 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising CMPS 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Casale Media. The main business activity is: Advertising UID 30 days Third party This domain is owned by StickyAdsTV, a French company providing online video advertising services. rtbhs 30 days Third party This domain is owned by Outbrain, which describes itself as a content discovery platform. It provides technology to help distribute content targeted to individuals interests. um 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. PugT 30 days Third party This domain is owned by Pubmatic. It operates an advertising exchange platform where online publishers can sell targeted advertising space to media buyers using real time bidding. uid 390 days Third party This domain is owned by Criteo. The main business activity is: Advertising i 365 days Third party This domain is owned by OpenX. The main business activity is: Advertising C 31 days Third party This domain is owned by Adform. The main business activity is: Real time bidding for display advertising to targeted audiences. _li_ss 30 days Third party This domain is owned by The company provides a range of marketing and advertising services. psyn 30 days Third party Smartclip is a German company specialising in cross-device targeted video advertising. obuid 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Outbrain, which describes itself as a content discovery platform. It provides technology to help distribute content targeted to individuals interests. tuuid_lu 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. ouid 390 days Third party This domain is owned by AddThis. AddThis provides web widgets that site owners embed into their pages or other content to enable visitors to create and share links to the content across social networks. They also make use of the data collected to provide advertisers and marketers with profile information for targeted behavioral advertising. TapAd_3WAY_SYNCS 60 days Third party This domain is owned by Tapad Inc. a US based company that provides technology to track users across devices to enhance targeting capabilities. gdpr_status 185 days Third party is a global online advertising technology network. uuid2 90 days Third party This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. umeh 90 days Third party This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. tuuid 365 days Third party This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. YSC Session Third party YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. KRTBCOOKIE_xxxx 30 days Third party This cookie is used to correlate IDs with those of Pubmatic partners (such as demand side platform clients or other advertising technology companies). Pubmatic passes information stored by the partner in this cookie to the partner when it is considering whether to purchase advertisements. This enables the partner to make better decisions about whether to display an advertisement to you. __id_utm 730 days Third party CMID 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Casale Media. The main business activity is: Advertising udmts 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. tuuid_lu 365 days Third party This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. cct 363 days Third party This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. uid 390 days Third party This domain is owned by AddThis. AddThis provides web widgets that site owners embed into their pages or other content to enable visitors to create and share links to the content across social networks. They also make use of the data collected to provide advertisers and marketers with profile information for targeted behavioral advertising. APID 160 days Third party This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising uid 180 days Third party This domain is owned by Turn. The main business activity is: Marketing and Data Management Platform provider na_id 390 days Third party This domain is owned by AddThis. AddThis provides web widgets that site owners embed into their pages or other content to enable visitors to create and share links to the content across social networks. They also make use of the data collected to provide advertisers and marketers with profile information for targeted behavioral advertising. dt 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. opt_out 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Nativo. The company provides a range of marketing and advertising services. everest_session_v2 Session Third party This domain is owned by Adobe. The main business activity is: Advertising test_cookie Session Third party This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange IDE 390 days Third party This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange _rxuuid 365 days Third party This domain is owned by RhythmOne, A USA based targeted advertsing company which also offers cross-device user tracking services. rlas3 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. VID 366 days Third party This domain is owned by the company, based in Russia. Although it provides e-communication services, it also utilizes personal data to show ads as it is its main source of revenue. sid 30 days Third party dpm 180 days Third party This domain is owned by Adobe Audience Manager. The main business activity is online profiling for targeted marketing. criteo_write_test Session Third party pxrc 60 days Third party This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. dspuuid 30 days Third party Smartclip is a German company specialising in cross-device targeted video advertising. APIDTS Session Third party TS Gtest 395 days Third party This domain is owned by Gemius. The main business activity is: Audience profiling, marketing effectiveness uuid 30 days Third party Smartclip is a German company specialising in cross-device targeted video advertising. APIDTS 1 days Third party TS criteo 30 days Third party This domain is owned by Outbrain, which describes itself as a content discovery platform. It provides technology to help distribute content targeted to individuals interests. INGRESSCOOKIE Session Third party This domain is owned by Pulsepoint (formerly Contextweb). The main business activity is: Digital marketing, real time ad bidding exchange and audience profiling visitor-id 365 days Third party is a global online advertising technology network. id 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Yieldlab, a German based online advertising planform provider. t_gid 365 days Third party _gid APID 366 days Third party This domain is owned by (AOL). The main business activity is: Advertising tu 363 days Third party This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. sessionId Session Third party This domain is owned by StickyAdsTV, a French company providing online video advertising services. bkpa Session Third party This domain is owned by Blue Kai. The main business activity is: Advertising/Audience Targeting MUID 390 days Third party This domain is owned by Mircosoft - it is the site for the search engine Bing. demdex 180 days Third party This cookie helps Adobe Audience Manger perform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc. rtbh 365 days Third party This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. TapAd_TS 60 days Third party TS uid-bp-11554 30 days Third party This domain is owned by StickyAdsTV, a French company providing online video advertising services. data-c 30 days Third party is a global online advertising technology network. IDSYNC 366 days Third party This domain is owned by Yahoo Inc. whose main business model is online advertising. Although this domain is associated with Yahoo's web analytics service, because these are third party cookies they can allow Yahoo, in combination with other cookies set, to collect data for targeted advertising purposes. pr 730 days Third party __ID 18250 days Third party a307080 62 days Third party uuid 365 days Third party vmuid 62 days Third party v1_151 30 days Third party tuuid 3650 days Third party am-uid 730 days Third party ts 365 days Third party cookieJartestCookie 1 days Third party uid_ 730 days Third party Rp 730 days Third party UID 30 days Third party __auid 730 days Third party __cf_bm Session Third party This is a CloudFoundry cookie ts 365 days Third party CID 7 days Third party ut 3650 days Third party __id_inf_131 730 days Third party rtbhouse 30 days Third party pr_legacy 730 days Third party These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising. muidn 6025 days Third party browser_data 390 days Third party mCookie 730 days Third party yieldmo_id 365 days Third party u 365 days Third party ptrrhs 365 days Third party dc 3650 days Third party __puid_131 730 days Third party mf_u_key 14 days Third party ptrcriteo 365 days Third party sspid 365 days Third party b1004 7 days Third party lidid 730 days Third party b1005 7 days Third party uid 730 days Third party admRtbUidCkey34334Ssp245 3650 days Third party >admRtbUidCkey34334Ssp245 3650 days Third party criteo 30 days Third party uuid 365 days Third party UID 30 days Third party mf_red_key 14 days Third party mg_sync 30 days Third party urtb_crit 30 days Third party targetcid7 730 days Third party